
  • Several years ago I heard an interview with Andrew Todd about his unique trail race, the Flyathlon. At the time I was not a runner or a fisherman but I was always drawn to the unique idea and the laudable goals of conservation through recreation, an ethos I strongly believe in. The idea remained in the back of my mind until life, through its twists and turns found me engaging passionately in both trail running and fly fishing. It was time to try and combine the two and it was then that the beauty of Andrews idea really became apparent.

    In parallel with my new passions I began working for Forest Fire Management Victoria. This helped me become a lot more aware of, and intimate with our rivers and vast network of perfect bridle trails. The area was perfect for a Flyathlon, even several!

    But waiting around for someone else to realise this meant it would never happen unless I made it happen, so I reached out to Andrew and asked if we could export the event to Australia.

    Mid 2023 we ran an invite only pilot event along the Delatite river trail. It was even more fun than I thought it would be and the feedback was excellent. Now here we are.

    You have the opportunity to sign up for the inaugural High Country Flyathlon. The first sanctioned Flyathlon in Australia.